C296 4K/5MP 2.4GHz PTZ Humanoid Tracking Camera + Max 256GB Local Storage

C296 4K/5MP 2.4GHz PTZ Humanoid Tracking Camera + Max 256GB Local Storage

Model Numbers:ZNC2965Y

Discerns people and vehicles from other objects, customize detect area & sensitivity levels, minimize false motion alarm by 95%.

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How to set up Zosi IPC camera C296


  • Does C296 security camera support 5GHz WiFi?

    No, ZOSI C296 wifi camera only support 2.4GHz WiFi.

  • Do I need a subscription to use the camera?

    No, you don't need subscription and any extra fees to use the camera, including all the functions like live view, playback,and AI person & vehicle detection.

  • How does auto tracking work?

    You can decide when and where to activate the auto tracking,by customizing the detection zone and time period. Once motion detected,the camera will start auto tracking along with the objects..

  • Can I view the camera from another location?

    Yes, you can view and control your camera remotely on ZOSI Smart App, as long as it has power and both your camera and phone have access to the internet.

  • Does it allow 24/7 recording using an installed SD card?

    Yes, you can set the recording mode to 24/7 continuous recording once you insert a SD card.

  • Where are the recordings stored? Is NVR a must?

    C296 wifi camera can work without an NVR. When it works without an NVR, the recordings can be saved to the micro SD card or ZOSI Cloud. When it works with an NVR, the recordings can be saved to the NVR.

  • Can the light activated only, siren activated only, or both activated?

    Yes! You can have light activated only, siren activated only, or both activated, all can be operated on your ZOSI Smart App/AVSS client.

  • Can I add this C296 PTZ security camera to ZOSI security camera systems?

    Yes, you can add the C296 security camera to ZOSI WiFi NVR system and PoE NVR system.

  • Can I use the C296 security camera via wifi with the ZOSI NVR?

    Yes! You can connect the camera to the NVR via wifi. Please click here for a detailed article you can refer to.